First words that come to mind when thinking of sHR.

Recently, sHR. conducted a survey among its candidates and coachees asking the 3 words that come to their mind when they think of sHR. First, here are some facts about participants: Number of participants: 350 Gender of participants:  35% Female –  65 % Male Age range of participants: 22 – 45 As expected, “human resources”

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“Bir ileri besleme versem!”

Geri beslemenin tanımı hakkında hepimiz hem fikir miyiz? Benim naçizane fikrim, geri besleme ile ilgili ortak kanıların olduğu, ancak bu kanıların bizde yanlış bir şekilde oluştuğu ve yerleştiği yönünde. Bu yazımda geri besleme ile ilgili var olan ve yanlış olan algıları dilim döndüğünce değiştirmeye ve farklı bir bakış açısı getirmeye çalışacağım. Yöneticiniz sizin yanınıza gelip

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sHR. Consultancy makes its debut on CTI Co-active Magazine

Recently, CTI Co-active magazine has published an article by sHR. professional coach. Internationally known institute’s magazine is known for its coaching specific content from various experts in this area and only delivered to its subscribers. The article is about the life itself linking experiences that we have with the real-time events at the skirts of

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Coaching and Consciousness as a Habit

What does Montaigne say about the philosophy of Socrates “the father of coaching”,  and what does coaching got to do with it? What are the thoughts of Aristo regardingly? All of them are pointing some crucial points of coaching. How can we make conscious choices? How can we integrate consciousness in our daily life? Check the article (in

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Being your own Socrates

Everybody knows most of the facts about Socrates but wouldn’t it be wonderful to meet with him in person? When you get professional coaching, it would be more or less the same experience as having talks with Socrates himself, “the father” of coaching. A conversation with Socrates would be based on asking right questions and getting

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