First words that come to mind when thinking of sHR.

Recently, sHR. conducted a survey among its candidates and coachees asking the 3 words that come to their mind when they think of sHR. First, here are some facts about participants: Number of participants: 350 Gender of participants:  35% Female –  65 % Male Age range of participants: 22 – 45 As expected, “human resources”

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Hiring overqualified candidates or not?

On the 12th of August, sHR. attended to Management and Strategy Seminar at Koç University. The seminar was about recruiter reactions to overqualified job applicants. In this article, you’ll see what we learned & how the implications of this knowledge to practice would be: In the literature, overqualified applicants can be described as people who have

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Any Questions?

It’s a common thing in business interviews that hiring managers also turn the tables and ask candidates if they have any questions for them. Believe or not, this is a great opportunity to show how much and why you want this job by asking the right kind of questions! A recent article published by Mashable shows

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