sHR. was at Agile HR Training!
In our previous blog post, we announced you that as sHR., we are transforming into to agile. For the purpose of doing our job best and managing the transformation period successfully, we started searching Agile HR training. Luckily, at that time, we came up with a perfect match training program for our need.

On the 30-31st of May, as sHR, we attended “Agile HR Training” organized by ACM & Agile HR Community. We were approximately 10 HR Professionals and Leaders who are very enthusiastic about Agile coming from different countries (Russia, Lebanon, UK and Turkey) and different sectors (telecommunication, energy, pharmacy, finance, information and technology).

On the first day of training, the mindset of agile, agile frameworks, the functions of agile teams in the organization, and agile implications in HR were discussed and we got comfortable with words like Scrum, Kanban and incremental development. As two groups, we played “Scrum Lego Game”. While playing the game, we experienced the idea of working in an agile which enables us to respond quickly to the need of customer in the uncertain and ambiguous environment and the importance of incremental development for products/end results .

On the second day, we learned experience mapping as a business tool, created personas to understand customer, employee and end user perspectives while delivering a project, and formed user stories. We talked about Agile for HR ( the necessity of agile working in HR projects, departments etc.) and HR for Agile ( agile working leads to difference in organizations; thus, the frameworks of HR (performance evaluation, job descriptions etc.) should be aligned with changing/new organizations). Moreover, we argued advantages and disadvantages of Scaled Agile models ( Spotify Model, Team of teams model, Scaled agile framework (SAFe), Large Scale Scrum Model (LeSS), Sociocracy 3.0 (S3), Nexus Framework, Lean Kanban, Scrum@Scale). At the end of discussion, we concluded that tailor-made model/solution for the organization is quite significant.

We also assessed HR Topics (Training and Development, Payroll, Job Analysis etc.) in terms of complexity, complicacy, chaos, simplicity by using Cynefin framework (which is used to aid decision-making). “Agile People Ops Capability Model” © including 10 attributes (Build Business Value, Agile Context, Agile HR Coach, Apply Agile Philosophy, Values & Frameworks, Co-creating Employee Experience, Evidence-based, Innovate within Constraints, Continuous Improvement, Human-centric, Agile HR Operating Model) were explained very well.
At the workshop, we also practiced sprint (in Scrum) using a Scrum board, user stories, stand-ups and timeboxed activities in each day. In the training itself, while learning, we covered the Agile People Ops Capability Model ©.

We would like to thank to our “lovely, friendly and charming” agile HR guru workshop leader, Natal Dank for her effort, care and knowledge! We strongly recommend you to join this workshop if you are interested in Agile HR Transformation, Agile Organizational Transformation wherever you are in the world. You can follow their training calendar in the provided link: https://www.agilehrcommunity.com/training-calendar