Recently, sHR. conducted a survey among its candidates and coachees asking the 3 words that come to their mind when they think of sHR.

Words when thinking of sHR.
First, here are some facts about participants:
- Number of participants: 350
- Gender of participants: 35% Female – 65 % Male
- Age range of participants: 22 – 45
As expected, “human resources” and “recruitment” come first in the results. But it is “IT Recruitment” which makes it different. This shows that our expertise in IT made a permanent mark in our candidates’ mind.
The survey also say that our close connections with Germany play an important role for the people we’ve met.
One other thing which is evident in the survey is that our candidates confirm the values of sHR. since words like quality, professionalism, reliability and innovation pop up frequently.
It would be fair to say that we enjoyed a lot seeing some characteristics like smile, mindfulness and empathy. This is a clear sign that sHR. is on the right track of building its relationships on understanding people. Although our candidates are mostly believed to be analytical thinkers, the survey results show the other aspects make the priorities when it comes to sHR. Sincerity is one of the words repeated most in the survey giving away the clue how to build strong and transparent connections with your candidates in this business.
Last but not least, trust is the top ranked word in our survey. Trust, in general, is a difficult feeling to be established. sHR. believes it’s the most important asset that a recruitment & consultancy company could have. Only with such a strong foundation, further steps for a better future can be taken. For that, sHR. thanks to all its candidates for their appreciation.
Of course, the survey has many other topics, and all of those will be revealed in the coming days. Keep following us for the updates.