sHR. was at Agile HR Training!

In our previous blog post, we announced you that as sHR., we are transforming into to agile. For the purpose of doing our job best and managing the transformation period successfully, we started searching Agile HR training. Luckily, at that time, we came up with a perfect match training program for our need. On the

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Spring has come together with our second workshop! | sHR. baharın gelişiyle ikinci atölyesini gerçekleştirdi!

–sHR. is proud of presenting the second workshop. (You’ll see the further details in Turkish since this is the workshop language as well.)– sHR. 16 Ocak 2016 ‘da dünyaya getirdiği atölyesinin ikincisini baharın gelişiyle gerçekleştirdi! 26 Mart 2016, Cumartesi günü aydınlık katılımcılarıyla sHR. ailesi umut denizinin üstünde bir buluta tutundu, yol aldı, yarattı paylaştı. Baharın

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Welcome our new workshop! – İlk atölyemiz doğdu!

–sHR. designed and presented a brand new workshop about creating new possibilities in our lives through different perspectives. You’ll see the further details in Turkish since this is the workshop language as well.– sHR. yepyeni bir proje için kolları sıvadı, çalıştı, renk renk ilmik ilmik özenle ördü. Umutla üretti; içselleştirdi ve “buyursunlar!” dedi ve yaratımını

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sHR. conducted a workshop on recruitment at Bahcesehir University

On the 9th of October, sHR. was at Bahçeşehir University to meet senior students. Assist. Prof. Dr. Arzu Aydınlı-Karakulak invited us to share our knowledge & experience about HR, especially recruitment, with senior psychology students at Industrial and Organizational Psychology lecture. It was an honor to be invited to this lecture as guest speakers and

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sHR. conducted a workshop on recruitment at Koç University

On 9th of May, sHR. made a workshop on recruitment at Koç University. We met with psychology students who are interested in HR, especially in recruitment. This event was organized by Koç University Psychology Club. Distinguished academicians in Psychology Department from Koç University and other universities were invited to this event, they shared their valuable studies/research with students.

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sHR will make a workshop on recruitment at Koç University

On May 9, sHR will make a workshop in the event of “Koç University – 1. Psychology Day” organized by Koç University Psychology Club. It is an honor to be invited to this event and to be among the precious academicians and pioneers in psychology. As the world goes towards the “information technology revolution”, in this workshop,

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