sHR. was at Altınbas University

On the 8th of May, our Talent Miner, Özlem Yürekli was a guest speaker in Introduction to Psychology lecture taken by all psychology and sociology students as a must course at Altınbas University. The aim of the lecture was to make university students to make familiar with the practical applications of Psychology, particularly, Industrial and

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sHR. Agile’a geçiyor! | sHR is transforming into Agile!

This article is an announcement of transforming into Agile model in recruitment processes in sHR. Our talented “Talent Miner” Aygen Koçak decided to write this blog post as a concrete example of his passion for technical subjects in IT. He will keep you updated on sHR way of agile recruitment. Enjoy the article and keep track of our blog!

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