sHR. was there when the first three finalist teams were announced
On the 9th of November, the first hackathon about test automation in Turkey organized by Keytorc was carried out. The whole day, 10 finalist groups competed with each other to complete the assigned project the best. At the end of the day, in TestTalks, the first three teams scored by the jury of hackathon among the 10 finalist groups made a presentation about the assigned project or the projects of the company for which they have been working. After the presentations, the 3 teams were ready & excited for results; and the results indicated that jUnited was the winner of the hackathon by the majority of votes.
In the event, Özgür Kaya & Taylan Derinbay were the “guest speakers”. They talked about different types of testing (static vs. dynamic), the importance of test automation, shared their first hand experiences in the projects that they are involved in and they emphasized that “test automation is development; therefore, test automation engineers should know coding & design patterns to make and to sustain the test automation projects successful.”
As sHR., it was amazing to be there and discuss these valuable topics with the most successful “SW Test Engineers” interested in test automation. As “Talent Miners” doing their job best, we know that it is important to participate in the technical seminars & conferences to speak the same language with the candidates and understand their career expectancy better. We are happy and proud to be there!