sHR. was at the Pixery Hackathon 2019!
On the 27th and 28th of April, as sHR. team, we were at the Kolektif House Levent for the “Pixery Hackathon 2019”, which was Pixery’s first hackathon that aimed at developing a prototype in the areas of computer vision, machine learning, camera and video.
Developers from different cities such as İstanbul, Ankara and İzmir gathered together to develop a prototype for Pixery Hackathon. On the 27th of April, at 10:00 AM, 41 highly qualified participants started working as 13 different teams on their projects. More than half of the competitors were engineering students from the top universities such as Koç, ITU and METU. The rest was professional developers.

Kemal Uğur, Co-founder of Pixery, introduced the Pixery and “Funimate”; very successful mobile app of the company. After presenting the Pixery team and hackathon topics, competitors started working on their ideas.

On the second day at 15:00, after nearly 30 hours of development, teams stopped working and started to get ready for their presentations. As it turned out that all of the teams were successful and developed a working prototype.

13 competitor teams had presented their prototypes for almost 2 hours. It was fascinating to listen to all the creative ideas and development processes. After a quick break, Pixery jury (including Ömer Erkmen) evaluated the presentations and decided on the winners among all.
IFR Studios won the jury prize and earned 2.500TL with their app that generates music with dance moves. Viatech won the 3rd prize and earned 5.000TL with their AR user manual app. Kültür Konsolu won the 2nd prize and earned 10.000TL with their app that recommends optic glasses by scanning the person’s face. And finally Hallucinogen won the 1st prize and earned 20.000TL with their AR drawing app. First and second prize winners were student teams, third and fourth prize winners were professional developers. Pixery also awarded the other 9 team with 1.000TL for their efforts and gave everyone a one year subscription of their Impresso app. As a total they awarded the amount of 46.500TL for their first hackathon, which is higher than planned before.
As sHR, we believe that it is important for IT Recruiters to be in the field to learn technical subjects in detail instead of just sitting in front of a computer screen to search for candidates. Being surrounded by technical knowledge is a key criterion for successful IT/Tech Recruiters. We thank Pixery and every participant of hackathon for creating a great atmosphere for the past weekend.
Harika bir blog yazısı olmuş, keyifle okudum. Elinize sağlık. Pixery Hackathon’un tüm hazırlık sürecinde ve etkinlik boyunca bizi yalnız bırakmadığınız ve desteklediğiniz için çok teşekkür ederiz. Sevgiler.
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