sHR. was at Koc University
On the 12th of December, as sHR. team, we were at Founder’s Hall at Koç University for the “Psychology Panel”, which aims to make the university students taking the “Introduction to Psychology” lecture more familiar with the practical applications of psychology discipline. The practitioner psychologists in the fields of sports & exercise (Duygu Gürleyik), clinical (Dinçer Kocalar), developmental (Banu Acarlar) and organizational psychology (Özlem Yürekli) were invited to this panel by Prof. Dr. Zeynep Aycan to share their experiences & observations in the field.
All panelists tried to give the most appropriate answers to the questions posed by students about their fields. As the first speaker, I/O Psychologist, Özlem Yürekli addressed the issues concerning work motivation, leadership, work/life balance, the place of women in the organizations and how technology has been changing the rules of business. The second panelist, Clinical Psychologist Dinçer Kocalar, talked about the different approaches to the psychotherapy, the important competencies required for being a clinical psychologist and the reasons for our fears & anxieties. Third speaker of the panel, Duygu Gürleyik (Sports & Exercise Psychologist) explained the factors that affect the intrinsic & extrinsic motivation and the success of athletes by also taking the failure situation into consideration. Last, Banu Acarlar (Developmental Psychologist), touched on the subject like the influence of media on children and attachment in children & adults.
We sincerely thank to Prof. Dr. Zeynep Aycan for her invitation, hospitality and creating this great atmosphere for valuable students of Koç University!
Below are some photos: