sHR. met Computer Engineering Students at ITU
On the 2nd of May, sHR. joined the “Innovation and Technology Management in IT” course at the Istanbul Technical University (ITU).
As the guest speakers, sHR. came together with the 4th and 3rd class students at the Computer Engineering Department of the Faculty of Computer and Informatics.
With the main focus of innovation, enterpreneurship and creativity, sHR. shared its experiences in IT & SW sector both in Turkey and abroad, discussed about the future business model scenarios, and make young talents think & question about their goals, career steps and the way how to reach them through the coaching techniques.
sHR. offers each 4rd class student to be graduated SW engineering positions at the international companies and 1-hour career coaching session for free.
For more information, please send us an e-mail via info@shr-consulting.com and click http://shr-consulting.com/job/new-graduated-sw-engineers/
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