Women in Software Engineering – Kim Demiş Kadınlar Yazılımdan Anlamaz Diye?

This article is about women in computer science and published originally in Harvard Business Review  Turkey Blog on Ada Lovelace Day, 13 October 2015.  Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. Bu yazının aslı, 13.10.2015 tarihinde Harvard Business Review Türkiye Blog‘ta yayınlanmıştır. 13 Ekim,  tüm dünyada, kadınların

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Ada Lovelace Day at Bogazici University

On the 7th of November, Women Techmakers (WTM) Istanbul organized an event called as “Yes, we can do it! Ada Lovelace Day” at Bogazici University. Before giving the summary of this amazing event, we would like to give brief information about Ada Lovelace. She was a British mathematician and writer. The turning point of her

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