HR and Recruitment From the Intern Perspective

sHR. intern Elif Kocapehlivan wrote a blog post about her experience and learning process at sHR. We thank her and wish her a good luck in her career. My internship experience has led me to gain insight and perspective on Human Resources (HR), as well as personal insights. HR according to people vs my experience HR doesn’t

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Strengths And Weaknesses as Complementary Traits

Strength and weakness aren’t opposite concepts. They are two aspects of the same quality within us. At one point of our life, we are asked to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses. This is likely to come up as a question in a job interview. Most people dread talking about weaknesses, some try to downplay them.

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New Trends in IT Recruitment

Our new team member Alp Aziz Timur wrote a blog post about new trends in IT recruitment to kickstart his learning process at sHR. We wish you a good reading. Recruitment is a major topic for organizations. Considering the function as deciding who will be a member of the team and who will not, we

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sHR. was at Agile HR Training!

In our previous blog post, we announced you that as sHR., we are transforming into to agile. For the purpose of doing our job best and managing the transformation period successfully, we started searching Agile HR training. Luckily, at that time, we came up with a perfect match training program for our need. On the

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